A bit about myself: computers help me organize my life. Since I started Plants From Paradise in the summer of 2005 I've emailed, spoken with, and met hundreds. Quite a few have become customers. Many are repeat customers. I've kept up with all the information.
Growing up I was the student to leave homework assignments at home. Now there's just one thing to remember, my Treo 650. If this was a paid endorsement that would be the 700. But it's just an honest confession. My smart phone has enabled me to become an efficient businessman. In my opinion, of course. But it's my blog, so it's my right :) Email me if you think I could improve my efficiency.
I wanted to start this blog and link it to plantsfromparadise.blogspot.com to give some look into the inner workings of a landscaping/plant brokerage company. Obviously it's of interest to me. I love it.
Hopefully this blog will be the place to remember the good times, analyze the difficult situations, and chronicle Plants From Paradise beginning one year after its inception. At the very least, it'll be fun for me. I hope you choose to follow me.
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