Sunday, May 27, 2007

Excited about my new forum

Everyone...Let's Talk About Plants!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Planting for the long haul

Nurseries aren't a get rich quick scheme. You plant in anticipation of getting a return on your money in months or years.

Landscapers have to think in similar terms. Many trees I plant will outlive me. This is a fact I realize but now that I'm planting oaks in my own yard I am faced with the reality on a tangible level. I'll watch these oaks get bigger and if they are planted in the wrong spot, I'll have to deal with them down the road.

I saw a gigantic oak in my neighborhood tonight and I wondered if it pre-dated the subdivision. It was beautiful and when the oaks I planted are that big they'll be too big for where they are planted! Perhaps the oak is 104 years old though.

Should I have moved the oak in anticipation of something so far off?

No, because I can always trim it to keep it smaller. If I keep it trimmed correctly, I am not scared of an oak falling on anyone's home.

I love Live Oaks.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Oaks to help reduce energy costs.

Florida ranks fifth in municipal energy use per capita due to the continuous use of air conditioning and pool pumps. It is estimated that only 1% of energy in the state is generated through renewable resources.

--From Wikipedia's entry on the state of Florida.

This is sorry folks and we can do better. I'm planting oak trees around my home for protection from storms and for shade. With more shade I'll have to use less air conditioning!

Oaks are extremely strong in hurricanes if pruned properly!


Broke a pipe on a plant installation today. Mistakes happen but we made it right for the customer. My employees and I aren't perfect but we'll never leave the job unfinished.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Lots of exciting projects...

I've got lots of great ideas!

  • First of all, I started up and I'm inviting all my readers to post questions about plants! It should be lots of fun!
  • I'm creating for strictly plant deliveries. It's interesting to think of the categories. It's fun.
  • is back up and running. Looking good! This will be a site for people to examine different landscaping looks. I will post pictures of landscaping jobs and references of customers.
I will invite my former customers to participate but instead of writing a mass email, I should just write brief introductions.

Coral Gables: Update on Whole Foods

Coral Gables: Update on Whole Foods

healthy food coming to the Gables!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

A new forum about plants...

Hello Readers!

I created a forum at to discuss plants and trees! Create a login and password and start discussing plants and trees!
