Monday, July 28, 2008

Fish dying in a South FLorida canal

From today's Miami Herald:

State fish and wildlife officials hope to discover Mondaywhat is killing scores of fish in a Broward County golf course lake and canal.

Blue gill, smallmouth bass and grass carp were discovered floating in clusters among the weeds and lily pads at the Woodmont Country Club in Tamarac this past weekend.

Officials said they suspect the fish deaths could be caused by fertilizer or pesticides used on the golf course. The dead fish are creating quite a stink, and officials are asking residents to stay away from the water.

Authorities hope to have the canal cleaned up by the end of the day.

''It's not a health hazard, but you don't want to leave dead fish floating around,'' said Andy Berns, a spokesman for the City of Tamarac.

Florida Fish and Wildlife is conducting a study to determine what exactly killed the fish.


Hmmm..the Florida Fish and Wildlife is on the case. Interesting.

In all seriousness, the fertilizers we use are hurting fish and even coral reefs off the coast. If you planted native trees and LESS GRASS, we'd have a healthier environment.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Great Blog about Volunteering at Fairchild

Check it out!

I've often thought of volunteering there. Perhaps I should make time for it!


Maybe I should send the stoners from craigslist who want salvia over there :)


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Less yard, more plants

After visiting Northern California, I realized that many people there have much smaller yards than we do in South Florida. Perhaps this is confined to the Bay Area, but I think it has positive environmental effects.

We need to consider this in South Florida.

I had an idea. We should try to make a website for concerned citizens where we can discuss sprawl in Dade County.

Friday, July 11, 2008

They'll plant a tree for free!

Just register for stumbleupon (a totally awesome way of learning about new websites) and they'll plant a tree for you.

Check it out here:

Beautiful foxtails

Working on

Here's a picture I found from a few years back. I think mostly all of those pine trees have been sold, but there's a new crop coming up.